
Showing posts from May, 2011

And now, for something completely different...

I am in the middle of writing an academic assignment. I am at the library in order to avoid distraction... housework for one, my bookshelf of unread books for another, and my never ending ‘to do list’. Although as I sit here surrounded by enticing books I realise a wee gap in my logic. However, I have slogged for an hour and my mind is wandering. I have gazed out the window, I have been to the bathroom, I have finished my bitter burnt coffee. I need to do something else. I need to write something else. I need distraction in order to refocus, which I know seems at odds. But people need extremes to be balanced. We aren’t single dimension characters from early AD greek dramas; we are dynamic, synergetic, often a mixture of polar opposite reactions in the one person and for some strange reason, if we can manage the opposites we find in ourselves, it can bring balance, harmony and a life well-lived . I am studying psychology, a discipline that looks for ‘a’ causes ‘b’ in human behaviou