Tem pm Saturday night. Husband away doing blokey things. I have a movie on in the background “Julie and Julia”, a glass if pinot gris on the bedside table. It’s been an afternoon and evening of pottering. Apparently pottering is good for oestrogen. Not sure who comes up with this stuff, but anyway. I did find myself with two hours to myself with children venturing off in spate directions. The better part of the evening has been taken up with ironing and listening to TED seminars; happy in my own head and world. The kids given a few hours glued to various media; Playstation and TV.
The day started early. My cat is proving himself to be quite the predator. Most nights he comes in to prance around my bedroom bragging about whichever small animal he has captured for my gratification. This morning at about 4am, the familiar proud mewl woke me. Half asleep, I dealt with the poor creature, left limp and lifeless behind my bedroom door and crawled back into bed. It wasn’t until a few hours later, when fully awake that I saw the carnage in my bedroom. Sam must have severed an artery in this creature, and left blood and other remains on the carpet in my bedroom. It looked like some sort of mini massacre had taken place during the night. The early morning cleaning venture really tested the stamina of my stomach. So far, he has only brought in rats, mice and lizards, so DOC wont be too upset.
My early morning wake up call, put me in good stead to make it to the LLL Garage Sale that I was up for. Bartering with professional garage sale groupies at 7am in the light rain was not really what I felt like doing, but coffee and scones that inevitably accompany LLL events made it ok. Garage saling was closely followed by dance schooling, as I have committed to Saturday mornings at the dance school, fitting ballet shoes to parents who can sometimes be challenging. In a moment of inspiration I suggested I train number one daughter for some work there. A bit of admin and customer service experience will serve her well in an environment she loves, and set her up for job superior to working in a supermarket as she becomes an adult and finds her way in life. So with any luck I will not be working Saturdays for very long. My eldest daughter has earned my admiration and my relief this week as she has proven herself as a responsible and mature young woman among her peers. It may change all too suddenly as navigating the rough waters of growing up take many turns. But this week I am on cloud nine. Something is working, and its feels good. My second daughter is bordering on vegetarianism, vocalising her displeasure at the origins of any meat products regularly; on TV, at the dinner table, in the supermarket. Besides this, she is growing up fast also. She has changed schools and moved on to an intermediate/college. She is meeting the challenge and change in structure with enthusiasm and excitement and it is a pleasure to watch. If vegetarianism is all I have to deal with I will be very happy.
The house is in disarray as we restructure the intestines of the building to future prepare for enough space for a hormonal girls and gangly boys. Actually I guess, looking at their parents, gangliness will not be a phase they will go through.
About to start a stand up show featuring Ricky Gervais, completely black and dry sense of irreverent humour.