I should be asleep

Its 10pm. I really am my own worst enemy. I have been feeling sleepy since about 7pm – and it’s the ‘feeling sleepy’ that usually eludes me, so I should make the most of it when it comes to visit. But even tho I rustled all seven tired kids into bed relatively early, I am compelled to sit here and appreciate the house while it’s quiet.

These kids (mine included) are really neat. With their dry and witty sense(s) of humour, and current joke-telling preoccupation they have really made me laugh over the last few days. They are quite delightful, and without any other adults here they actually have my attention.

Over the last two days… we have fed birds, fish and guinea pigs, given one of the canaries antibiotics, attended to various human medicines for various human issues, ventured into the city for homework supplies, new pyjamas, and beads for hair-braiding, bought ice-creams, been to the supermarket, been for an evening walk along the beach, been to the pools, and prepared several meals. Helped a ten year old boy, who had locked himself in the bathroom, trust me and come to terms with his feelings about being ostracised by the other two ten year olds, mixed with missing mum and dad, while attending to a trampoline burn on his knee. Will deal with the other two later. And believe it or not, in the middle of all this I have finished the first weeks readings and journal for a course I am doing, and may even have worked out the purpose of being on this earth, written two blogs and other pieces to analyse the delicate internal workings of my moral neuroses, touched base with work to make sure the pays will go through, arranged remote delivery of firewood in Wellington, and nagged my husband about eating properly while I was away. All in a days work.

And I still have a cough that I am sure is preventing necessary oxygen from reaching my brain. I think I am losing my voice, which will make life interesting for a day or two.

Tomorrow, we will do it all again, including the National Aquarium and some fancy park along Marine Parade. I quite like Napier, I must say.
